3 easy steps to help you plan your meals and save you time and money

  Have your own online cookbook Choose recipes to make Print out your shopping list
  Add (or copy!) recipes to your cookbook
Choose recipes to make
Print your shopping list
by day, by week, by month ...

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What's CookPlan.com?

CookPlan is a free tool to help you plan meals, using your own online cookbook to store your recipes. CookPlan has 3 main pages to help you plan meals. First, you "Manage Recipes" by adding you own recipes or copying recipes that others have added. Second, you "Choose Recipes To Make". You can choose just one, or a whole bunch, depending on how many days you're planning meals for. Third, you can plan your "Schedule & Shopping List", by selecting what recipes you want to make on each day. Plan on saving money and time when shopping for groceries by using CookPlan.com!

Cool Things You Can Do

  • Have your own online cookbook, that's available everywhere there is a computer.
  • Look at your friends' cookbooks, and copy their recipes with one click.
  • Review shopping lists and meal plans from previous weeks / months.
  • Print out easy-to-read shopping lists, saving you time at the store.